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Description Faces thought to depict Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Bayon temple ruins, Angkor Thom (12th century temple complex), Angkor World Heritage Site, Siem Reap, Cambodia
Keywords 12th century abandon abandoned ancient temple ancient temples Angkor Angkor Archaeological Park Angkor Region Angkor Thom Angkor Wat World Heritage Area Angkor Wat World Heritage Park Angkor Wat World Heritage Site Angkor World Heritage Area Angkor World Heritage Park Angkor World Heritage Site archaeological site archaeological sites art art work art works Asia Bayon Bayon temple Bayon temple ruin Bayon temple ruins Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Buddhist temple Buddhist temples building buildings Cambodia Cambodian face faces head heads heritage historic historic place historic places historical historical place historical places history Indochina Peninsula Kampuchea Khmer Capital Khmer Empire Khmer temple Khmer temples Kingdom of Cambodia old place of worship places of worship Prasat Bayon public art public art work public art works public sculpture public sculptures religion religions religious religious monument religious monuments religious site ruin ruins sculpture sculptures Siem Reap Siem Reap Province Southeast Asia Statue statues stone stone building stone carving stone carvings stone face stone faces stonework temple complex temple ruins tradition traditional Twelfth century UN world heritage area UN world heritage site UNESCO World Heritage area UNESCO World Heritage Site united nations world heritage area united nations world heritage site world heritage world heritage area world heritage areas World Heritage Park World Heritage site World Heritage Sites
License Type: Rights Managed
Release Status: No Release

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